Serving as a Community Resource and Hub where ...

Schools and area non-profit organizations access Y facilities and resources… 

  • Over 2,000 children participate in YMCA childcare in 22 schools surrounding the downtown urban core. 

  • Students from Templeton Academy come for healthy programs and physical activity as part of their daily curriculum. 

  • Women from The Next Door find support in rebuilding their lives. 

  • Elementary school students from urban schools are transported to the Y during their school day for free swim lessons

  • Families from the Safe Haven Family Shelter find support through the Y’s Angel Tree programs and free family passes to the Y. 

  • Big Brothers/Big Sisters come to meet with their Littles. 

  • Students from Hume Fogg High School come to the Y for swim team practice and to have a safe place after school. 

  • Salama Urban Ministries & Youth Encouragement Services participants enjoy summer camps and swimming at the Y.