Workouts For Your Community By Your Community

Reach your health and fitness goals with workouts created by your local YMCA fitness professionals. With workouts for every level of athletic ability and a variety of different training styles, you're sure to find your new favorite routine!

Current Workouts

Increase Your Intensity

Test your speed with this total-body tabata workout.

Body Weight Blast

Woman planking
Combining strength training and cardio is the fastest way to get fit!

Cubicle Workout: 10 Easy Exercises

Woman working out at desk
Got a busy day? Get a quick workout in without even leaving your desk

Ramp It Up: Beginner treadmill workout

People on treadmills
This low-impact, heart-pumping program is perfect for newbies

The Spell-Your-Name Workout

Friends body weight workout
For a new, exciting challenge, try this circuit workout

Stair Step Express: 20-min routine

Climbing stair stepper
Step right, left, right up to this lower body burner