With zero equipment required, you can do insane cardio no matter where you go!
Jog for 3 minutes.
Take one set at a time. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Go through the set three times in a row without stopping. Then take a 1-minute break before moving on to the next set.
Circuit One
Jump Lunges
Step forward into a lunge, keeping upper body straight. The front knee should stay behind your toes. Brace your core, and launch into a jump. Land with opposite leg in front in lunge position. To modify, do regular lunges.
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Heisman Shuffle
Stay in a low, athletic stance. Keep knees soft, hinge the hips forward. Shuffle laterally for three steps, then add a knee lift. Repeat to opposite side. To modify, step laterally.
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Butt Kicks
Jog in place, bringing the heels to the glutes. Land softly to protect joints.
Circuit Two
Tricep Dips
Sitting on the ground or a bench, position your hands outside hips with fingers facing your body. Place feet in front, knees bent. Lift glutes off the ground or scoot off the bench. Now, bend your elbows to lower your body down and press back up. Elbows should stay pointing backward.
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Push Ups
Place hands below shoulders with fingers pointing forward. Engage core so that your whole body moves in one line. Bend your arms, lowering your chest to the floor. Push back up. To modify, drop down to knees.
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Mountain Climbers
Place hands directly beneath shoulders. Keep back straight. Bring knees up to chest at rapid pace.
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Circuit Three
Squat down, place hands on the ground, then jump feet back into plank position. Jump feet up to hands again, then jump straight up into the air with arms overhead. To modify, step the feet back and up, and exchange the jump for a heel raise.
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Speed Skaters
Hop in a square, keeping knees soft. To modify, step and squat. To add more intensity, remain in a mid-squat the entire time.
Star Jumps
Lower the body in a squat position. Explode up in the air, extending arms up as feet also extend out to the sides—creating the star shape. To modify, alternate lifting one leg out at a time.
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Circuit Four
Walk the hands down the legs to meet the ground. Walk the hands out into a full or modified plank. Walk the hands back to meet the feet. Make your way back up into a standing position. Keep back flat throughout the exercise.
Plank Jack with Oblique Crunch
Get in plank position with hands directly beneath shoulders. Keep back straight. Jump feet out to the sides and back. Bring right knee to meet right elbow, engaging the oblique. Jump again, and bring the left knee to the left elbow. Modify by stepping out one leg at a time or taking the plank to knees.
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Curtsy Lunge
Step your left leg behind your right, crossing your thighs and bending both knees as though curtsying. Make sure your front knee stays aligned with your ankle. Alternate sides.
Cool down
Duration: Perform each stretch for 30 seconds.
Hamstring Stretch
Walk the hands down the legs to meet the ground. Walk the hands out into a full or modified plank. Walk the hands back to meet the feet. Make your way back up into a standing position. Keep back flat throughout the exercise.
Quad Stretch
Get in plank position with hands directly beneath shoulders. Keep back straight. Hop your feet out to the sides and back. Modify by stepping out one leg at a time or taking the plank to your knees and stepping out.
Seated Hip Stretch
Step your left leg behind your right, crossing your thighs and bending both knees as though curtsying. Make sure your front knee stays aligned with your ankle. Alternate sides.