Balancing Fitness With Friendship
When we passed Susan (left) and her personal trainer, Sandra, chatting on the wellness floor after their session, we could tell the two shared a special bond. Turns out their four years of training together have enriched Susan’s life in more ways than one. What was it like when you first started?
Susan: I had just moved here and I wasn’t happy about it at all. All my kids are grown and I was pretty depressed. Then I got in with Fit Women (a Y class Sandra teaches) and just started coming regularly.
Forging friendships in a new city is tough. Feel like you’ve found some community here?
Susan: It’s been a great thing for me to join and get to know people. It really has. Because [before this], I didn’t care. I wouldn’t leave the house.
Well, we’re sure glad you’re spending your days with us! Tell us about training with Sandra.
Susan: She’s motivational. She can adapt to whatever issues you need help in. And she challenges you.
Sandra: Susan has had three strokes. We work on balance a lot with her.
Oh, wow.
Susan: They weren’t fun. They were hard to deal with. But I also had open heart surgery when I was 33. And I have a pacemaker and a defibrillator.
You’re a trooper, Susan! How does personal training accommodate your health challenges?
Susan: She always gives you choices. Like, ‘this is what I want you to do’ and ‘this is an alternative.’
Sandra: She does fantastic, though. You’d never know [about the strokes].
Susan: Except one side is usually stronger than the other. And sometimes things come out of my mouth I just don't say. [they laugh]
That must make for some fun personal training sessions. Love to see our members making connections and getting stronger. Keep up the hard work, Susan!